Information for Borrowers concerned about Financial Difficulties

Cara Credit Union stands as a beacon of financial support and guidance for its members, particularly those facing challenging times. With a deep understanding of the unpredictability of life, they offer personalised financial advice aimed at navigating hardships. Members in difficulty can access a range of tailored services, including flexible repayment plans that are adjusted to their specific situations, ensuring they don’t feel overwhelmed by their obligations.

Compassion and community are at the heart of their approach, with a focus on ensuring no member feels isolated in their financial journey. By fostering a supportive environment, Cara Credit Union not only assists members in overcoming immediate financial challenges but also invests in their long-term financial health. This comprehensive support system underscores their commitment to the well-being of their members, demonstrating the credit union’s role as more than a financial institution, but a true partner in times of need.